Babylon 5

A showcase of pictures, information, and character pictures in keeping with this wonderful show.

The thumbnail images on this page may not be the complete picture. Click on them to find out more....

Babylon 5: Rising Star

A Babylon 5 based MU. It can be found at on port 2260.

Here I play a cocky starfury pilot named Emer MacLir. Stop in and wet your whistle with me in The Eclipse sometime.
Rising Star can be found at port 2260.

Lt. MacLir Ms. MacLir

Lt. Emer MacLir is the leader of Alpha Squadron (AKA The Flying Nightmares).

Babylon 5: Legacies
Here, I can normally be found as Glenda

Other B5 MUSH's

This Babylon 5 based MUSH can be found at on port 4205.
Siobahn Xandyr

Babylon 5:The Last Best Hope MUSH

This MUSH is no longer running..

Pictures by others...

Coadhi Liriel

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