Come on in and sit a spell.

Synchi's Home Page Synchi's Home Page
Hi I'm Synchi. Welcome to my homepage. This page is always under construction as I add to it quite regularly.
Want to know more about me? Then click here and find out.

Two Moons MUSH
A MUSH (Multi User Shared Hallucination) based on Wendy and Richard Pini's epic tale.
Babylon 5
A page dedicated to JMS's awesome creation.
Other MU's
A guide to other interests of mine.
Miscellaneous Things
This area is for things that would otherwise have no place here.
Introducing the Poetry Page

Here is a place where friends may post their poetry. If you have any poetry that you would like to send to me, feel free to email it to me in plain text format and I'll be happy to put it up for the world to see.

Finally! I have a Visitor's Page containing all of the comments and ratings of my visitors thus far. Be sure and add your comments to my site by filling out the short form on my guest book.
On February 12th, 1999, my husband's grandmother passed away. She had been fighting cancer and had had several massive strokes. While she was alive, this woman touched my life and my heart so that I loved her as my own blood kin. She was a beautiful, vibrant personality and it is a shame that so few people had the chance to meet her. So, in honor of one that will be sorely missed I dedicate
A brief memorial...
For Bobby.

Finally up for your perusal but, still under construction!
Horses are my favorite animals. Their strength, beauty and grace are a testiment to the wonders of creation. To me, they are truly, poetry in motion. So, in honor of these four-legged friends.... I open The Corral.
Be sure and check out the Links page.

Don't forget to Sign My Guest Book before you leave.
See anything you like, don't like or want to comment on? Feel free to let me know. Drop me a line at

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Thanks for stopping by. Please, come back soon and visit me.

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